Winter Garden Chaos
Yes, it’s all a bit of a mess out there!…. The overturned wheel barrow is full of sludge, the fallen leaves are everywhere and I’m going...

Chunky bluebell shoots
I’m looking forward to seeing the bluebells in bloom. Spring is definitely around the corner. These are Spanish bluebells that were...

Plucky Snapdragons!
These amazing flowers have withstood the cold of winter and are still blooming. They have continued to provide much needed nectar for...

Cellar Beetle
Found a lovely big cellar beetle today. On closer inspection I noticed he was actually missing a bit of one of his left legs…. Didn’t...

A 'Duvet' of Fallen Leaves
These have actually been giving the bulbs below a nice bit of protection from the night frosts and now the bluebells are finally...

Even MORE wood pigeons
Since throwing out a load of breadcrumbs, the wood pigeons have told their friends. The garden has been full of these big chunky...

Wood pigeons & magpies
The ground has been solid and the birds haven’t had a great deal of food around. After throwing a few handfuls of breadcrumbs outside,...