Garden Restoration: Lost his shine...
A lovely big Cellar Beetle! (Blaps mucronata.) It looked very dry to me - like it had been stuck in man-made rubbish for a while - so I...
Garden Restoration Blog: Even MORE Rubbish...
Even more rubbish… glass, wool, plastic, metal…. #gardenrestorationblog
Garden Restoration: More Rubbish...
More rubbish being excavated from the top soil and lawn area... #gardenrestorationblog
Garden Restoration: The Poor Cats!
The poor cats! Moving house is traumatic enough for humans, but for cats it’s just awful! It will take time for them to adjust. I’m...
Garden Restoration: The Nettle Patch
I’ve now discovered a stinging nettle patch. I’m going to leave this to grow here as it’s great for a garden to have a patch of nettles...
Garden Restoration: Tulip Potential
So after lots of weeding and clearing, I’ve discovered some tulips and bluebells beneath the undergrowth. I’ve cleared the area and I’m...
Garden Restoration Blog: LIFE!
LIFE!! Hurrah! I’ve finally found life in this forlorn place! Two sleepy Noctuid moth caterpillars. I asked on Twitter and @bugmanjones...
Garden Restoration Blog: The Key...
Every inch of this garden seems to have some (unwanted) hidden bounty. Sadly no gold coins or treasure chests – but I’ve just found this...
Garden Restoration Blog: The Spear
Ummm. Yes. That IS an exotic spear that I’ve just found in the earth… #gardenrestorationblog
Garden Restoration Blog: The Car in the Tree
I started to prune back the rhododendron bush today and several large pieces of yellow plastic fell out of the tree, along with part of a...